dataset_data Endpoint

The call to the dataset_data API endpoint returns the Dataset data by ID.

API Call

This is an example of an API call that returns all Dataset data without filtering. The value of the dataset parameter corresponds to the ID of the Dataset which data is retrieved:

	"url":	"/api/dataset_data?dataset=568",
	"headers":	{"Accept":"application/json"}
Click to copy

The second example API call demonstrates how to apply filtering and sorting by using additional query parameters:

  	"url":  "/api/dataset_data?dataset=568&limit=4&offset=1&amount=Y", 
  	"type":  "POST", 
               {"field":  "country","dir":"ASC"}
  	"headers": {"Accept":"application/json"}
Click to copy

The following query parameters can be utilized to filter out the returned data:

limit - the number of returned rows,

offset - the number of rows to be skipped before returning any rows,

amount -  whether to display the total amount of rows in the Dataset.

To sort out the returned data, add an object to the sort array specifying a field name and sort direction.

It is also possible to retrieve a Dataset View data by using the view parameter and assigning it the value of a Dataset View ID:

	"url":	"/api/dataset_data?dataset=568&view=343",
	"headers":	{"Accept":"application/json"}
Click to copy
Example Response

This example demonstrates an object which represents a single element.

		{"Name":"User8","Country":"Algeria","Customer ID":"3","Items Purchased":"4","Date":null},
		{"Name":"User7","Country":"Algeria","Customer ID":"3","Items Purchased":"10","Date":null},
		{"Name":"User10","Country":"Italy","Customer ID":"2","Items Purchased":"12","Date":null}, 
		{"Name":"User6","Country":"Algeria","Customer ID":"4","Items Purchased":"13","Date":null}
		{"name":"Customer ID","type":"numeric"}, 
		{"name":"Items Purchased","type":"numeric"},
Click to copy

Fields Description

Field Name Value Type Description
data array An array of objects with returned Dataset data.
metadata array The metadata containing column names and types.
amount integer The total number of Dataset rows. Is displayed only if the amount parameter is set to “Y”