Controlling Homepage Display Through URL

This article describes how to utilize the available options to customize the content filtering on the Homepage display. NOTE: The format of the Homepage is slightly different in Version 3.

1. Select Display based on Filter(s) by select list(s)

Select Display based on Filter(s) by select list(s)
  1. You may limit the tile display at the Homepage by configuring page filters in Category, Topic, Filter by and Group by drop-down lists.
  2. In this example, we filter the content to only show Multi-Metrics for all Topics and no specific Groups

2. Use Hashtags in URL

Hashtags may be embedded in the URL to filter by Category (name or ID), Element Type (or a combination of the two) or for Favorite Folders.

NOTE: Currently the options of Topic and Group are not supported.

2.1. Single Filter for Element Type

Single Filter for Element Type

Required URL parameters are: 
  • ElementType = Metric, Multi-Metric, Report, External Report

Example: Filter the Homepage content based upon Elements of a 'Metric' type by modifying the URL to:

2.2. Multiple Filter Selection for Element Type

Multiple Filter Selection for Element Type

Required URL parameters are: 

Example: Filter the Homepage content based upon Elements of a 'Metric' and 'Report' types by modifying the URL to:,Metric

2.3. Single Filter for Category Name or ID

Single Filter for Category Name or ID

Required URL parameters are:

Example: You may filter the Homepage content by a specific Category with the name 'Financial' by modifying the URL to:

Alternatively, you can filter the Category by it's ID rather than name by modifying the URL to: 

NOTE: Both methods will return the same result set.

2.4. Combining Element Type and Category Filters

Combining Element Type and Category Filters

A combination of Element Type and Category Name filters may also be used. Required URL parameters are: 


Example: Filter based upon the 'Metric' and 'Report' Element Types as well as the 'Financial' Category by modifying the URL to:,Report/category/Financial
Open Favorite Folder via a link

Required URL parameters are: Folder Name

Example: You may open the Favorite Folder named "Total Monthly Sales" by modifying the URL to: Monthly Sales

2.6. Open Favorite Folder in a Grid View

Open Favorite Folder in a Grid View

Required URL parameters are: Folder Name

Example: You may open the Favorite Folder named "Total Monthly Sales" in the Grid view by modifying the URL to: Monthly Sales

2.7. Filter Content to Open in iFrame

Filter Content to Open in iFrame

Should you wish to display the Homepage using an inline Frame (iFrame), this can be accomplished by using the embedded parameter in the URL.

  • Filter for Element Type 

Example: You can filter the Homepage based upon the 'Metric' Element Type in an iFrame by changing the URL to:

Note that the difference in this display from previous examples is that it excludes the Menu and Header sections, i.e., only the Element section is displayed in the frame

  • iFrame filtered by Category Name or ID

Required URL parameters are: OR

Example: You may filter the Homepage content by a specific Category with the name 'Training' in an iFrame by modifying the URL to: 
  • iFrame Combining Element Type and Category Filters

A combination of Element Type and Category filters may also be used: OR https://yourMetricInsightsInstance,com/home/#/content/CommaSeparatedElementTypes/category/CategoryID 

Example: Filter based upon the 'Report' Element Type as well as the 'Training' Category by modifying the URL to::