Upload/Download Portal Page Assets

This article explains the use of the Portal Page Assets as a part of the Portal Page update process. Uploading Assets is a common approach to the code iteration of the existing Portal Page, as opposed to a full import/export procedure, which is mostly used for the initial installation of a Portal Page on an instance.

The Assets are provided to an end user as a zip archive, which typically contains CSS, JavaScript, and image files. The Assets are then uploaded via the Portal Page Template Editor (not the Portal Page Editor) to establish changes to a Portal Page.

1. Upload Assets

Access Content > Portal Pages > Choose the Template of the Portal Page you need to update from either the Template column OR the Templates Tab

  1. Go to the Assets Tab
  2. IMPORTANT: Download the existing Assets as a backup solution
  3. Click [Upload Assets]
    • NOTE: There is no need to delete the existing Assets from the Template. They will be replaced automatically upon the new upload.
  4. Upload the new Assets zip archive provided by Metric Insights. This will replace the existing Assets and update the Portal Page code.
  5. [Save]

NOTE: If the update includes any Portal Page Variable or Entity changes, they will not be applied through the Assets. These changes will need to be applied manually.

2. Verify the Result

Access Content > the updated Portal Page

  1. Click [View]
  2. From the Portal Page, clear cache depending on your browser choice to make sure the changes have been established.