Simplified Email Templates

If you have a legacy email client like Lotus Notes or have any problem rendering our emails, Metric Insights team have taken care of it. You can enable simplified email templates for:

This article gives step-by-step instructions on how to do it for each type of notification emails.

Alerts - set the Default template to Alert Simplified (Admin only)

Alerts - set the Default template to Alert Simplified (Admin only)

Access Admin > Email Templates

  1. In the Email Templates list find alternatives for Alert templates: Alert and Alert Simplified or custom ones.
  2. The one that is marked as 'Alert' a default one. Only one alert template can serve as default.

The new Alert Simplified email template is a safe option that can be used for different legacy email clients.

  1. To make Alert Simplified a default template, open it and make sure that Default Alert Template? filed is set to 'yes'.

Save the changes made.



A new template has been also added to Favorites Digest. To enable it go to My Notifications:

  1. Select Favorite Digest in the Notifications grid.
  2. Click the Gear icon in the respective row.
  3. The Favorite Digest pop-ip opens.
  4. In the Email template field select "Favorite Simplified" from the drop-down list.

Save the changes made.



An email template compatible with legacy email clients, such as Lotus Notes has been set up for Bursts as well. To apply it to Burst emails:

  1. Go to My Bursts
  2. Select an existing burst or create a new one
  3. In the Content tab, Email template field select 'Favorite Simplified' from the drop-down list

Do not forget to Save your changes to apply new settings.