Advanced REST Client

There are a number of client applications that you can use to test calls to the Metric Insights API. Options include the API Toolkit that comes with the Metric Insights application or use one of your favorites.

This article gives brief introduction to using the Advanced REST Client.

1. Install Advanced REST Client

1.1. Download Advanced REST Client

  1. [Install]
  2. Select and download an installation package compatible with your OS

Once the download has finished, open the installation file.

1.2. Finish Installation

  1. Select anonymous data collection level that is suitable for you
  2. [Save and open the application]

2. Open and Use Advanced REST Client

From this client you can specify:

  1. URL you are testing
    • For example, /api/get_token or /api/user
  2. HTTP Method
  3. HTTP Headers
    • For example, Accept: application/json, Token: <Your token value>
  4. Payload HTTP Body
    • JSON Body for your POST or PUT request