Category User and Category Group API

1. Access Admin > System > API Toolkit

2. Configure User Categories

2.1. Get User Categories

NOTE: The id of each category_user data entry is unique and can be used to create new data entries or delete the existing ones.

  1. Item: category_user
  2. Method: GET
  3. Filter the results with the following parameters:
    • ID: The ID of the category_user data entry
    • category_id: The ID of the category
    • user_id: The ID of the user
  4. Enter an API Token
  5. [Run request]

Example Response

  "category_users": [
      "id": 76,
      "category_id": 111,
      "user_id": 100,
      "allow_edit_element": "No"
      "id": 77,
      "category_id": 123,
      "user_id": 66,
      "allow_edit_element": "No"

Fields Description

Field Name Value Type Description
id integer The ID of the category_users data entry.
category_id integer The ID of the category.
user_id integer The ID of the user.
allow_edit_element string Whether or not the user has edit access to the elements in the category. Supported values: “Yes”/“No”

2.2. Add Category Access to User

  1. Item: category_user
  2. Method: POST
  3. Enter the ID of an existing category_user data entry
  4. Modify the request by providing parameter values
  5. Enter an API Token
  6. [Run request]

2.3. Delete Category Access from User

  1. Item: category_user
  2. Method: DELETE
  3. Enter the ID of category_user data entry that needs to be deleted
  4. Enter an API Token
  5. [Run request]

3. Configure Group Categories

3.1. Get Group Categories

NOTE: The id of each category_group data entry is unique and can be used to create new data entries or delete the existing ones.

  1. Item: category_group
  2. Method: GET
  3. Filter the results with the following parameters:
    • ID: The ID of the category_group data entry
    • category_id: The ID of the category
    • group_id: The ID of the group
  4. Enter an API Token
  5. [Run request]

Example Response

  "category_groups": [
      "id": 3,
      "category_id": 58,
      "group_id": 2,
      "allow_edit_element": "No"
      "id": 4,
      "category_id": 59,
      "group_id": 2,
      "allow_edit_element": "No"

Fields Description

Field Name Value Type Description
id integer The ID of the category_group data entry.
category_id integer The ID of the category.
group_id integer The ID of the group.
allow_edit_element string Whether or not the members of the group have edit access to the elements in the category. Supported values: “Yes”/“No”

3.2. Add Category Access to Group

  1. Item: group_category
  2. Method: POST
  3. Enter ID of an existing category_group data entry
  4. Modify the request by providing values
  5. Enter an API Token
  6. [Run request]

3.3. Delete Category Access from Group

  1. Item: category_group
  2. Method: DELETE
  3. Enter the ID of category_group data entry that needs to be deleted
  4. Enter an API Token
  5. [Run request]