Upload Dimension Values using a CSV File

Dimensions with a large number of Dimension Values can be populated directly from a CSV file. This article describes how to use a CSV file to populate a Dimension with Values.

If you have a limited number of Dimension Values, the easiest way is to create a new value is to follow the procedure described in this article: Create a Dimension with Manually Entered Values.


SIMPLE Dimension:  Confirm that the CSV file that you plan to use contains only two columns:

  • Key Value with format the conforms to the Dimension Editor's setting of "Integer" or "Text"
  • Display Value

PARENT/CHILD Dimension:  Confirm that the source CSV file contains only three columns:

  • Child Dimension Key Value  
  • Child Dimension Display Value
  • Parent Dimension Key Value

1. Start Creating a New Dimension

Access Content > Dimensions

  1. [+New Dimension]
  2. Name: Give the Dimension a descriptive name
  3. Dimension Key Values are: Specify numeric or text, based on how the Dimension Value's key is defined in the source system
  4. CSV Powered Value Source: Select the "Manual/CSV Data" option
  5. [Save] 

2. Load the Data

Scroll the page to the Dimension Values section

  1. [Load from file]
  2. Delimiter: Confirm that the Delimiter character is the same as in the source CSV file
  3. File: Select the CSV file containing the data from your local platform
  4. If the conflict exusts between existing Dimension Values and file Dimension Values: Define the system behavior in case the file contains Values previously added to Dimension:
    • "Keep Existing Values": The uploaded Value is ignored for existing Values
    • "Update Existing Values": The uploaded Value replaces the existing Value
  5. [Import]

3. Review the Results of Import

Review the results of Import

NOTE: If any errors are encountered in the CSV file, the system provides information on the issues found

Click OK to close the results pop-up.

4. Dimension Values Grid is Populated

 Dimension Values Grid is populated

Newly uploaded values appear and may be edited directly from the Dimension Values Grid.