Create a Dimension with Automatically Collected Values

This article details how to create a Dimension with Values automatically fetched from a SQL Data Source, although the same workflow can be applied to sourcing Values from any configurable Data Source.


1. Start Creating a New Dimension

Access Content > Dimensions

  1. [+New Dimension]
  2. Name: Give the Dimension a descriptive name
  3. Parent Dimension [optional]: Chose an existing Dimension if the Dimension is to be a Child of another Dimension
  4. Combines existing Dimensions [optional]: Set to "yes" if you want to create a Compound Dimension
  5. Dimension Key Values are: Specify numeric or text, based on how the Dimension Value's key is defined in the source system
  6. Value Source: Select the method by which Dimension Values are to be collected from the dropdown list
  7. Bind Parameter: Specify a Bind Parameter for the Dimension
    • This entry must match the column name of the data in the source system to be used in the fetch command
  8. [Save] your entries

2. Configure the Automated Data Collection Settings

Scroll the page to the Dimension Value Source

  1. Data Collection Trigger: Select the Data Collection Trigger to fetch/update Dimension Values
  2. SQL Statement: Enter your SQL statement detailing which values will be collected:
    • The command must return one Key Value (typically a code stored in the source database) and one Display Value (the phrase that appears on tiles and elements) column
    • If the Dimension does not have a Key Value, select the Display Value for both columns
  3. [Check Data]

3. Verify and Collect Dimension Values

  1. Upon successful validation, the sample collected Dimension Values will appear under the data fetch command field
  2. Click [Collect values] if the sample Dimension Values are shown as expected

4. Auto-Delete Dimension Values

Using the auto-delete feature, during update, you can automatically remove Dimension Values that are no longer found in the Values source.

Open Advanced tab and in the Delete Dimension Values not Found in result set field select "yes" option.