Establish Connectivity to Microsoft Power BI Report Server

This article describes how to connect to on-premises Microsoft Power BI Report Server in order to load data into Datasets and Reports in Metric Insights.

1. Access Admin > Collection & Storage > Data Sources

The list page containing all data sources available in the system opens.

Below the grid, click [+ New Data Source].

2. Select the Type of New Data Source

  1. Select "Other" and choose "Microsoft Power BI" from the drop-down list
  2. [Next Step]

3. Provide Data Source Parameters

  1. Basic Folder: enter Web Portal's Virtual Directory name (is located under Report Server Configuration Manager > Web Portal URL > Virtual Directory)
  2. Report Server: provide database endpoint (for SSRS connections)
  3. Server: provide Web Portal URL
  4. Username / Plugin Password: provide server credentials
  5. [Test Connection]

If connection fails to test successfully:

  • access https://<server>/<basic folder>/api/v2.0/me from the browser
  • enter credentials at prompt

4. Advanced Configuration

  1. Use Remote Data Processor:  is set to "no" by default
    • You can switch to "yes" and add a Remote Data Processor by clicking [+New Remote Processor] under Remote Processors settings
  2. Generate Object List 
    • automatically: all Objects are going to be fetched by the system
    • manually: Objects may be added one-by-one or via CSV file
  3. Object List Refresh Trigger: from the dropdown, select the Trigger that will be used to fetch data via the Microsoft Power BI plugin
  4. Object Selection Method: specify how Microsoft Power BI Report Server Reports will be fetched
  5. Optionally, state the maximum number of concurrent Threads to utilize during data and/or image fetch to be used in background processing when the system updates Reports for this Data Source 
    • If you do not specify any value for this setting, batch data collection processing will be single-threaded
  6. [Test connection] (this will also save your entries)

5. Other Settings

  1. You can create Datasets and view all the elements or Datasets using this Data Source from the respective tabs
  2. Click Permissions to assign Data Source access to Groups or Power Users