Changing Delivery Options for Specific Alerts
In Metric Insights, it is possible for the User to change how specific Alerts are to be delivered. This article describes how to set delivery methods for all of the Alert Notifications.
The Alert icon is available on both Metric Previews (from tiles) and Metric Viewers.
2. Modify Delivery Conditions

You can change the Alert delivery settings for:
- All Alerts at once
- Each Alert individually
3. Specify Distribution Time

The four delivery options are:
- Bundle all new alerts into one email digest. You can adjust how often your Alert Digest is generated when Setting up Your Alert Subscriptions
- Receive the alert as soon as it is generated - immediately
- Receive Notifications only by displaying them on the respective tile on the Homepage - browser only
4. Email Digest Additional Options
- You can select first time only to prevent Alerts being generated when the alert condition happens more than once in a row (If Daily Metric has a Red Alert everyday, you will only receive one Alert email until at least one day does not trigger a Red Alert)
- Receive Alerts every time the Alert condition is satisfied
5. [Optionally] Send as a Burst

Additionally, you are provided with an option to set up a Burst. See Create New Burst