Alerts Menu Overview

Alerts in general are the messages that help Users stay in touch with what is happening with different Elements of the Metric Insights system. The Users can receive them via different means, and they can be set to inform the User about different changes. This article describes the Alerts menu and haw each of its entries can be used.

Opening the Menu

Access Content > Alerts

Alert Inbox

On this page, Users can see the list of all Alert events that are available to them. Alert events are changes in the Metric that trigger an Alert the User is subscribed to or that are assigned to him.

Here, the User can:

  1. Dismiss the Alert event notification to remove it from the list by clicking the [Dismiss] button over the table or in the corresponding row
  2. Unsubscribe from the Alert Rule by clicking [Unsubscribe] after activating the checkbox in the Alert event row or deactivating the toggle switch


Here, Users can see all the Alerts available to them if they have the corresponding Privileges and Permissions.

Alerts by User

This page contains a summary of all Users Notification settings. It also shows the Notification Schedule Subscriptions and Alert Subscriptions of the User. Administrators can change the User in the top dropdown menu and look through the summary for any User.

KPI Alerts

In this window, Users can see the list of all available KPI Alerts and add some new ones by clicking [+Add KPI Alert Rule]. Only Users who have the "Create KPI Alert Rules" Privilege can view and create KPI Alert Rules. For more details about KPI Alert Rules, check KPI Alert Rules Wizard Overview and for more information on access to KPI Alerts Rules go through the Granting Power User Access to KPI Alerts article.

Global Alerts

Global Alerts are the ones that can be assigned to several Metrics. Here, Users can see all the created Global Alerts and create new ones. For more details about Global Alerts, check Global Alert Rules Overview article.

Alert Workflows

The Alert Workflow is a set of actions that are taken after the Alert is triggered. For more details, check out the Create an Alert Workflow article. Alert Workflows can be created by Admins and Power Users with related Privilege(s). See Granting Power User Access to Managed Alert Workflows for details.