Help & DocumentationAlertingAlerting Managed AlertingCreate an Alert Workflow (supported in v6.x and earlier)

Create an Alert Workflow (supported in v6.x and earlier)

An Alert Workflow represents a set of predefined system configurations related to Alert Issue handling. When a Workflow is applied to a KPI Alert, a set of available Statuses, Roles, and some pre-defined Alerting settings are assigned to the  Alert.

This article describes the first step in using Alert Management functionality, which is creating an Alert Workflow. The full process also includes the second step, which is Applying an Alert Workflow to a new or existing KPI Rule.

NOTE: Alert Workflows can be created by Admins and Power Users with related Privilege(s). See Alert Workflow Security for details.

1. Crate a New Workflow

Access Content > Alerts > Alert Workflows

[+ New Alert Workflow] to add a new Workflow and open its Editor.

Alternatively, a new Alert Workflow can be created while setting up a KPI Alert.

Create a New Alert Workflow from KPI Alert

Click the plus icon to add a new Alert Workflow and open its Editor.

2. Set a Name and Create Statuses

  1. Name: Give the Workflow a descriptive name
  2. Statuses: Set the necessary statuses
    • [+ New Status] to add a status
    • Click gear icon to edit an existing status

A status is used to communicate the progress made in resolving an Alert Issue.

The state of the status is used on the Alert Issue Grid to filter Alert Issues into My Alerts, My Subscriptions, Open Alerts, and All Alerts.

Every new or existing workflow contains two default statuses that can be neither edited nor deleted: New and Resolved. They represent two of the Alert states available within the system: Open or Closed Alert, respectively. When the Alert is first created, it is automatically assigned the New status.

2.1. Create New Status

[+ New Status] and define the following settings:

  1. Status name: Define the name of the status that can describe steps reflecting the progress made on an assigned Alert
  2. State: Each status in the workflow is assigned one of these states: Open or Closed. The state is used to filter Alerts (for example, only show open alerts). Closed alerts no longer send notifications or have other updates attached

[Save] your entries.

3. Set Default Notification Settings

  1. Auto-close alert when condition no longer applies: Admin can choose if a specific Alert Rule auto-closes when the condition is no longer met
    • Choose closing status (this field is shown only when auto-close is enabled above): Select a status from the dropdown list
  2. Acknowledgment by assignee required: If this toggle is enabled, when an Alert with this Workflow fires, an Assignee receives an email message with a request for a formal acknowledgment. This option offers a way to confirm that an Assignee is indeed aware of the Alert details and takes responsibility for the next step. This option may be helpful when dealing with high-priority Alerts that should be taken care of quickly. Here's an example of such an email:

4. Create Alert Workflow Roles

  1. [+ New Role]
  2. Role Name: Give the new Role a descriptive name
  3. Initial Notification: Choose a method of Notification delivery when an Alert is generated and/or assigned to a User
  4. Update Notification: Choose a method of Notification delivery whenever the Alert is updated with a Comment, Attachment, Status/Assignee/Priority change, or set to a Snooze mode
  5. Starting Notification Delay:  This option allows the User to define a delay period (in days, hours, or minutes) from initial Alert creation to when the first notification is sent to an Assignee. If the Alert Status State is set to 'closed' before the delay time has expired, no Notifications will be sent
  6. Inaction Reminder Notification:  Set an interval countdown timer, and if no update is made until the interval reaches zero, a reminder notification is sent to the Assignee. Once the interval reaches zero, it resets and starts counting down again. The interval will continue to count down until the Alert is closed or the reminder Notification is turned off at the User level
  7. Consecutive alert notifications: When the Metric meets the Alert Rule condition for the first time, the Initial Notification is sent. If this setting is turned On and the Metric continues to meet the Alert rule condition on consecutive data points, an Alert Notification will be sent. This is the same as choosing Every Time in the current version of alerting. If this setting is turned Off, then users will only receive notifications when there is an update to the alert (see Update Notifications)
  8. [Save]

Don't forget to [Save] the new Workflow.