Granting Power User Access to KPI Alerts

In Metric Insights, Power Users have to be granted specific Privileges and Permissions to be able to view and edit KPI Alerts. This article describes the steps an Administrator should take to give the Power User View and Edit Access to KPI Alerts.

Granting View Access

View Access permits a Power User to see see the Alerts entry of the Content menu and the Alerts list on the KPI Alerts page.

A Power User can get access to the KPI Alert individually or inherit it from the Group he/she is a member of. For more details about granting View Access to the Group, check the Assigning Privileges and Permissions to the Group article.

Granting Edit Access

Edit Access permits the Power User to see the Alerts entry of the Content menu, see the Alerts list on the KPI Alerts page and open the Alert Rule Editor to make some changes on it.

A Power User can get access to KPI Alerts individually or inherit it from the Group he/she is a member of.

Additional Option

By default, Power Users who have the Edit Access can grant other PU's access to the KPI Alert Rule, but it's limited to the Users that are members of the same Group. The Administrator can allow the Power User to grant access to the KPI Alert Rule to any PU or Group by assigning the Allow Power Users to grant KPI Alert Rule access to any Power User or Group Privilege.

Assign "Allow Power Users to grant KPI Alert Rule access to any Power User or Group" Privilege

Access Admin > Users & Groups and click on the PU's Active Name link to open the User Editor

  1. On the Info tab scroll the page to the Privileges section
  2. [+Privilege To User]
  3. Filter the list by "kpi"
  4. Find the "Allow Power Users to grant KPI Alert Rule access to any Power User or Group" Privilege and select the checkbox
  5. [Save]

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