Help & DocumentationSystem AdministrationMaintenanceManaging Multiple InstancesSet Migration for Categories, Folders, Elements, Datasets/User Maps or Portal Pages via their Editors

Set Migration for Categories, Folders, Elements, Datasets/User Maps or Portal Pages via their Editors

Metric Insights 6.1.x introduces Scripted Migration that can be activated via the application user interface, preventing admins from having to pass in specific Category/Element ID’s. The script will automatically pick up any Categories, Elements and Portal Pages (new in 6.1.1) that have been selected for inclusion in the next scheduled migration.   In 6.2.1, the ability to Migrate Folders, Datasets and User Maps is supported.

This article will show how easily this is done.  

Note that the Scripted Migration utility introduced in 5.6 has been updated to handle this new option. Please see this article for more information  Scripted Migration Utility

1. Migrate all elements in a Category:  Category Editor > Info tab

Category Editor - Google Chrome

Simply check the 'Include Category in next scheduled migration' option


Caution: Beginning in Rel 6.2.1,  the configuration parameter DISPLAY_MIGRATION_OPTION_FOR_CATEGORIES must be set to "Y" for this setting to appear on the Category Editor.

Category Editor - Google Chrome

Datasets & User Maps are not included in the scheduled  Category migration but may be migrated according to Section 3 below.

2. Migrate Folders:  Folder Editor > Content tab

Simply activate the checkbox to include the Folder in next scheduled migration.  Included are the basic settings of the Folder and related elements; sharing settings and related Bursts are not migrated at present.


6.2.2 release also supports the migration of Smart Folders

3. Migrate Datasets and User Maps:  Dataset/User Map Editor > Info tab

Simply activate the checkbox to include the Dataset or User Map in next scheduled migration


4. Migrate a single Element:  Element Editor > Info tab

External Report Editor - Google Chrome

Simply activate the checkbox to include the [element type] in next scheduled migration


5. Portal Pages

Follow the same steps as Elements, shown above.