Setup Bursting from Favorites Editor

Users may setup Bursts directly from their Favorites Editor

1. Access My Preferences (below your Username) > My Favorites

Access My Preferences (below your Username) > My Favorites

In the respective row click Bursts icon.

2. Pop-up will display any existing bursts that include this folder

Pop-up will display any existing bursts that include this folder
  1. You can review any existing bursts by selecting a burst name in the table
  2. Or create a new on. Selecting [+ New Burst] will redirect you to the Burst Editor

3. To create a new burst, you will begin in the Notifications:Bursting section

To create a new burst, you will begin in the Notifications:Bursting section
  1. Create a unique Name for the Burst
  2. The Content will default to your selected Favorite Folder
  3. If the default Schedule is not what you want, either open Dropdown via small arrow for more choices  or [+] to add new Schedule
  4. Open Subscriptions tab to select Users or Groups to receive this Burst


For more options and detailed steps, see Create New Burst.