Setup Bursting from the Favorites Editor
Users may setup Bursts directly from their Favorites Editor
1. Access My Preferences (below your Username) > My Favorites

In the respective row click Bursts icon.
2. Pop-up will display any existing bursts that include this folder

- You can review any existing bursts by selecting a burst name in the table
- Or create a new on. Selecting [+ New Burst] will redirect you to the Burst Editor
3. To create a new burst, you will begin in the Notifications:Bursting section
- Create a unique Name for the Burst
- The Content will default to your selected Favorite Folder
- If the default Schedule is not what you want, either open Dropdown via small arrow for more choices or [+] to add new Schedule
- Open Subscriptions tab to select Users or Groups to receive this Burst
For more options and detailed steps, see Create New Burst.