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When do Icons Appear and Get Removed from Tiles on the Homepage?

The tiles on your Home Page display various icons to notify you of recent changes and additions to your data. Hovering over these icons shows additional information.

Besides that, various icons have different removing rules, so that you are only notified on the most recent or unseen data changes. For the same reason, you will never see icons or tooltips for commentaries that you add, only those contributed by others.

Gold Star Icon

This icon indicates an Element added to Favorites Folder. The star will remain gold until the Element is removed from the Favorite Folder.

Exception: Five most viewed elements are automatically added to 'Most Popular' folder and Users cannot alter or remove these

Notes and Commentary Icon

The most recent note is displayed, unless you wrote the most recent one, for as long as the associated data point(s) displays in the chart measurement interval. The most recent Expert Commentary will display on hover, unless you wrote it, until it is deleted.

Annotation Icon

The most recent annotation will be displayed unless you wrote it. The icon will be removed from the tile when you view this tooltip or view the annotation in the Element Viewer. After viewing, the annotation icon will remain on the Element Viewer and Collaborative View, but the icon will be removed from the Tile View

Alert Icon

The most recent alert will display on hover. After you view this alert detail via this tooltip or by viewing the element, the icon will be removed from the Tile View but will remain in the Element Viewer and Collaborative View.

Certification Icon

This icon marks the Tiles of Elements which were certified in the Element Editor by the User.