Create a Simple (Undimensioned) Metric
This introductory article describes how to define the basic settings for creating an Undimensioned Metric from your SQL statement.
- Prepare a SQL Statement: You need an SQL statement that returns a set of measurement times and values for your metric. See Writing SQL for a simple Metric for more details.
- Data source: Metric Insights must have a working data source connection to your data source. If you have not yet configured a data source connection, see Connecting to Data Sources.
What is a Metric?
Metric is an Element that displays a value that is tracked over time and can be dimensioned. Along with the Report, it is one of the most basic Elements of Metric Insights. Metrics are shown on the Homepage as tiles. Metrics can be:
- Simple, or Undimensioned. In this case, the data is gathered into one Metric
- Dimensioned. It is possible to apply a Dimention to the Metric and specify the data according to the Dimension Values. For more details about how to create a Dimension refer to Create a Simple Dimension article
All types of Users can create Metrics via the +New menu.
This article describes how to create only an Undimentioned Metric. To learn ho to create Dimensioned Metric check this article.
Creating a Simple Metric
1. Access New > Metric

Define the basic Metric information:
- Measured: select the measurement interval that applies to the level of aggregation that you want in your result set.
- Select Not Dimensioned
- Name: The system automatically generates name based on the values selected in the fields above, however, you can change it to a unique descriptive name of your choice.
- Select the Category of a new Metric. Categories are used to group tiles at the Homepage and quickly find required elements.
- Put in Folder: optional - add to an existing shared Folder
Next: define details to display Full editor
2. Update additional, optional fields in Info tab
- [6.1.0] As of Release 6.1.0, it is possible to flag elements and then Migrate Content using our Export/Import Migration Scripts. Click for details: Scripted Migration via Category and Element Editors
- The Description field defaults from the Name, but if this is not sufficiently descriptive, you may change it
- Certified: Certification is a means for Admin and Power Users to identify elements that have been approved as being valid and accurate. For details refer to: Certifying an Element
- Tags (are referred to as Topics in Versions prior to 5.1): Tags / Topics are used to relate elements to each other for purposes of identifying similar Charts when the See Related drop-down list in the Metric Viewer is populated allowing a more in-depth analysis of trends. For details refer to: Create a Topic / Tag
3. Define Data Collection parameters on Data tab
- Data Source: select the repository which contains your data. For more info on data sources, refer to Understanding Data Sources. We are using a SQL Database for this example.
- Data Collection Trigger: select a trigger that will initiate your metric data collection process. To fully configure how data collection should be triggered, see: Automating the Collection of Data
- SQL Statement: Enter an SQL using the format explained in the Hint next to the text box. For more details, see: Write a SQL Statement for a Simple (Undimensioned) Metric
- Validate: click this button to verify that your SQL statement is valid.
3.1. Optional pop-up for parameter substitution

NOTE: If you have specified :last_measurement_time in your statement, you will be asked to select the date/time validating your statement.
4. When validation is successfully completed

- If your statement is valid, the statement box is green; if there are any errors, the box is colored in red, and errors are explained below the statement box.
- The total number of found records and an example of first one are displayed below the statement box.
- Modify any of the defaulted advanced options for collection of data
- Select Collect data

The Chart Settings above display the default values for a daily metric, but are modifiable.
The Value Display fields are also modifiable.
- New in Version 6.2.1, you can choose to display the Average Value of the Metric on the Homepage rather than the data value. This option is only available if your metric is calculating a Moving Average as part of Charting Settings.
For details on Targets and Projections, see:
5. Enable & publish your Metric from Data tab
- The Collect data function will have returned total number of records and information on first record collected. Example shows that data was collected from beginning of the year.
- Optionally you can preview your metric
- Click Enable & publish