Help & DocumentationCreating ContentGovernanceTagsTag Auto Synchronization (prior to Version 6.3.3)

Tag Auto Synchronization (prior to Version 6.3.3)

This function was deprecated in Version 6.3.3 and replaced with the Glossary function.

In Version 6.3.1, Tag Autosync has been introduced to support synchronization of fields with a Dataset. This functionality allows the updating of Tag values based on Dataset information, whenever the Dataset is updated.

This article describes how to:


For more information on Tags, see Create a Tag

1. Create Dataset to Define Required Fields

For information on Datasets, see Understanding Datasets

Dataset Editor - Google Chrome
  1. Data Source may created from any Object; example is a CSV file updated manually
  2. An Element name field must be defined on input to contain the Metric Insights elements to update
  3. Tag Name must have the exact same name as your Tag Field (case sensitive)
  4. (optional) Snapshot Dataset? can be set to "Yes" in order to record all updates in the Dataset Viewer
  5. Be sure to validate all input rows to ensure that the names used for each Column exactly match the Element Name and any existing Tags. (Tags that do not exist can be added to the element if desired).

[Update Data]

2. Add New Autosync

Access Content > Tags > Autosync

  1. Select [+ Tag Autosync] to open Editor

2.1. Input Required Columns/Fields Based on Dataset in Step 1

  1. Name:  Input a unique name
  2. Dataset & View: Select the Dataset/View that was created in Step 1  
  3. Match on: Choose if your Elements were identified by Name or External ID in Dataset
  4. Name Column:  Choose from drop-down that will be populated from Dataset
  5. Tag Column: Choose from drop-down that will be populated from Dataset
  6. Check this box if you want to create a new Tag is one doesn't exist with that Tag value; otherwise any non-existent Tags will be flagged as errors.

3. Synchronize Content

  1. Enabled is defaulted "on"
  2. [Save]
  3. [Sync Now]

3.1. View Results in Sync History  

Tag Autosync - Google Chrome

Click on red items to view error details

  1. The two spelling errors found on Element Name and will have to be corrected on the CSV file that you used to create the Dataset in Step 1
  2. Non-exist tag was not added based on settings in Step 3 -   "Create tab if it doesn't already exist" not toggled on