Create a Glossary Term

This article explains how to:

  1. Select a Glossary List view
  2. Add a Glossary Term manually
  3. Add Multiple Terms using an Input File
  4. Associate a Glossary Term with Elements & Datasets

All Glossary terms are required to be related to a Section;

  1. Terms can also be created from a Glossary Section, see Create a New Glossary Section.
  2. Terms can also be created from an outside source using a Dataset,  see Import Glossary Terms and Sections (Autoimport)
  3. Terms are associated with elements using a Dataset, see Glossary Auto Synchronization

6.3.4 We have changed the format for most grid displays to show the Section that the Term belongs to separated by a colon:  <Section name>: <Term>

[6.3.3] Replaces Governed Tags with a more robust Governance object, Glossary 

Glossary Items as Governance Definitions

  • Term (e.g. Global Sales)
  • Section (e.g. KPI Elements)
  • Definition (e.g. Total of Revenue across all LoBs)
  • Description (e.g. These Reports are regularly reviewed by executives and below and are reviewed most rigorously by the Enterprise Data Governance team)
  • Business Owner
  • Technical Owner
  • Data Steward (optional)

1. Glossary Views and Input Options

Access Content > Glossary > Glossary tab

Toggle between screen options to alter your display of existing Terms

Glossary - Google Chrome
  1. Select [+ New Term] to open Glossary popup and proceed to Add New Glossary Terms individually
  2. Select [Load From File] and proceed to Load Terms from File

Terms can also be deleted from or changed in Elements using Bulk Edit; see details here: Making Bulk Changes to Elements or Making Bulk Changes to Datasets/User Maps.

2. Add New Glossary Terms individually

  1. [+New Term]
  2. Name: This must be unique within a Section
  3. Section:  Use the drop-down to select a Section; if you need to create a new Section, see Add a New Glossary Section
  4. (Optional) Definition:  An explanation of how this term is determined or calculated (up to 4,000 characters)
  5. (Optional) Description: Describes how the Term is known by Business Users (up to 64,000 characters)
  6. (Optional) Additional Metadata: Includes information for matching on specific search terms that are not specified in Definition or Description
  7. (Optional) Owners / Steward: Business and Technical Owners will default to current User if left blank; Data Steward is optional

[Save] will open Glossary Editor

2.1. Edit Fields as Needed in Glossary Editor

  1. To change the Section, select an existing Section from the dropdown or create a new Section using the [+] icon
  2. Update Definition as needed
  3. Update Description as needed
  4. Input Additional Metadata as needed

5-6.  Both Business and Technical Owner fields default to the User who defines the Term if left blank in popup but may be adjusted here by selecting another User.


3. Add Terms from CSV File

You can also load Terms and Sections from your desktop using a CSV file

Glossary - Google Chrome
  1. Download a Sample CSV file and modify values in the CSV file and then Save it as a new  CSV file
  2. Adjust Delimiter as needed
  3. Browse to select your new CSV File

NOTE: Additional Metadata can only be added manually in Glossary Editor or upon the Glossary Term creation.

Sample CSV file displayed in Excel:

glossary (5) - Excel

3.1. Import Your File

Glossary - Google Chrome
  1. [Import]
  2. Verify results of Load from popup

4. Associate Elements or Datasets With a Glossary Term  

Note: you can also associate Terms with Elements and Datasets automatically, see Glossary Auto Synchronization

Glossary - Google Chrome

In the Associations tab:

  1. [+ New Element] or [+ New Dataset] to open Add <Element/Dataset> to Term popup
  2. (Optional) Filter Elements by Element Name or partial Name
  3. (Optional) Filter elements by Category
  4. Select Elements using checkboxes

[Save] to add them to the Elements grid

Repeat steps as needed to Add Datasets

4.1. Verify Glossary Terms on Elements or Datasets (Dataset Example)

Glossary - Google Chrome
  1. Click on any Name in Elements or Datasets grid to go directly to that Element's Editor.
  2. Go to Info tab in Editor
  3. Locate Section Name
  4. Verify that Term is selected for this Section