Release 6.4.5

Version 6.4.5 is now available! It is the first minor release in 2024, and the last release of the 6.x architecture. It introduces MI Concierge, a generative AI chatbot that can help users find content and understand topics relevant to your BI portal initiative.

Portal Page enhancements have become an integral part of each of our latest releases, so you will find some new features in this release too. The Glossary functionality has undergone some minor but noteworthy changes.

A couple of new Plugins, such as SAS Viya and Planview PPM Pro, are now available in the system, complementing our extensive Plugin list. 

Below you will find a list of all enhancements.

Major Features (released May 28, 2024)

  1. Concierge, an LLM-based assistant for day-to-day work with MI, is now available.
  2. Portal Pages functionality has undergone some important changes related to Portal Page Variables, Entities, and Templates.
  3. Glossary Terms support longer Definitions (4,000 characters) and Descriptions (64,000 characters) and include a new field to input additional information for better searchability.
  4. Login error customization is now available to give your login error page a different look and/or customized messaging, depending on your organization's preferences.
  5. Two new Plugins, SAS Viya and Planview PPM Pro, have expanded the list of the supported Metric Insights Plugins.
  6. Metric Insights API includes a new endpoint, group_announcement, and new methods for the existing endpoint, element_views.
  7. Microsoft Power BI Cloud, Microsoft SharePoint, and Tableau Plugins have been improved by including new Optional Parameters for more flexibility and control over data pulled into Metric Insights.

The primary Docker images used for standard deployments are:

  1. web –
  2. dataprocessor –
  3. seed –
  4. data-analyzer –
  5. monitoring –
  6. redis

Additional images:

  1. logger (needed for simple deployments) –
  2. mysql (used for simple deployments with mysql running locally) –


Metric Insights Concierge opens up a new interface to reporting and BI that is simple and familiar: ask a question, get an answer.  The Concierge Portal Page is included with the Metric Insights release starting in 6.4.5. It requires access to a frontier model API to function (OpenAI, Anthropic, etc—see full list below).

Users given access to the Concierge Portal Page can ask Concierge to find reports and content, learn more about how to accomplish certain tasks in Metric Insights, are get answers to custom FAQs (provided as a simple 2-column dataset with questions and answers). The Metric Insights security model is completely enforced so Users can only fully access what they have the proper permissions to view. 

Users searching for Reports will be shown the top 5 results with each Report's link, description, a list of Report metadata as well as a quick preview of each Report. Those asking the Concierge how to do something in the application will get a summary to answer their questions directly from our help documents. Users asking a question that is covered in custom FAQs will be provided a response consistent the answers provided (in the FAQ dataset).

Last but not least, it is possible to use Concierge through a Slack integration. Ask the same questions through the Metric Insights chatbot and receive the same list of the top 5 results with links directly to Reports in the Metric Insights Viewer. 

Concierge connects to (and requires one of!) the following LLMs: 

  • Open AI (GPT-4o, GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4 via OpenAI or Microsoft Azure)
  • Mistral Large (via Mistral or Microsoft Azure)
  • Anthropic Claude 3 Opus

Portal Pages

  1. Portal Page Template Variables now support HTML.
  2. A simple Entity Migration option now exists to move Entities between Portal Pages.
  3. We have implemented support for the Portal Page Template Relative path required for Single Page applications with internal routing.


Glossary Terms have been improved to accept longer text. Definitions can take values of up to 4,000 characters long while Descriptions can include up to 64,000 characters.

We've also added a new field, Additional Metadata, to improve search results (when a user searches for a specific Glossary Term).

Login Error Customization

The page a user sees if they do not exist in an AD Group that has access to Metric Insights can now be completely customized via a Portal Page. The Portal Page functions as a container with any of its HTML/CSS injected into the login error page.

We've introduced the ability to turn on the "Include all terms" option by default (displays in the left sidebar of Global Search) so that all searches default to requiring a match on all terms in the results. This is available as a new System Variable: GLOBAL_SEARCH_ALL_TERMS_ON


  1. A new API endpoint, group_announcement, makes it possible to retrieve, edit, and delete information on the Group’s Announcement edit access. 
  2. A new POST request has been added to element_views endpoint for adding an Element view via the API.

Plugin Improvements

New Plugins

  1. SAS Viya Plugin capabilities include getting objects and data.
  2. Planview PPM Pro Plugin supports getting data and retrieving Filters automatically.

Microsoft Power BI Cloud

  1. Object sensitivity is now displayed in embedded External Reports.
  2. Usage data can now be retrieved for Power BI Elements.
  3. New parameter, Power BI Premium: Collect media using API, allows retrieving images for Paginated Reports when set to “true”.

Microsoft Power BI Server Plugin

The display of the Objects’ hierarchy has been updated for Microsoft Power BI Report Server Plugin.

Microsoft SharePoint Online

The new Optional Parameter, Custom Field Filter, allows for filtering objects by SharePoint custom fields. The format is as follows: “Country = USA, Canada”.


The new Data Freshness Policy Optional Parameter for Tableau Plugin controls data freshness for live data sources defining the timeframe for Tableau to clear the cache. The default value is "12 hours".

Other Plugin Changes

Treasure Data and Sumo Logic Plugins have been disabled and removed from the product.

DevOps & Installation

  1. Simple Install is now running on docker-compose v2.24.5.
  2. The new parameter, exclude-users-mode, has been added to mi-ldap-usersync to process the excluded users; it takes two values: skip completely or retain-user-type, which prevents changing the excluded users’ types.
  3. Amazon Linux 2023 is now supported for Simple Install and ECS (both Terraform and Cloudformation).
  4. The new init container has been added to web-master pod in Kubernetes, which allows for the chown command for network shared volume.
  5. The Patcher is now globally available as mi-patcher.
  6. A new group of show commands in the Patcher displays the applied patches and their details, affected files, and the hierarchy of patches.
  7. Beginning in this release, the Patcher won’t apply older patches if the newer patch has already been applied. Patches are now processed based on their creation time in the stamp file.
  8. The Patcher can be restarted in a container by running service patcher restart.
  9. Simple Install has a new option, db-user-host. It can be used to specify Metric Insights database services users host, from where MySQL should expect database connections. The default value is any host, “%”.

Other Improvements

  1. The new ignoreErrorsInHierarchy Parameter under the Plugin Config Page has been added to be able to skip hierarchy errors. By default, it is set to “false”.
  2. We have implemented the Element Viewer for Other External Content.

Issues Fixed

  1. We have applied missing translations to some metadata for Elements and Glossary Terms such as Owners. 
  2. If mi-app-backup is used with option --prune, the mysql_processlist_log table will be skipped. This has been implemented to avoid duplicate records in backups.
  3. We have fixed the Reset Filter button layout in the External Report Viewer in compact mode.
  4. A bug causing the Business Owner and the Technical Owner fields display despite HIDE_OWNER_FIELDS = "Y" has been fixed.
  5. An empty value for a Custom Attribute adding as "Array" in UI has been fixed.
  6. Virtual Dataset with the "Minute" interval is now not cached and new data appears in a Dataset immediately.
  7. We have fixed conflicts in Search that appeared when more than one Access Control Dataset was used.
  8. Glossary Terms with names that included commas used to be separated into different Glossary Terms. This behavior has been fixed in this release.
  9. Users logging in from mobile devices with the MOBILE_APP_PORTAL_PAGE System Variable configured opened the native application UI instead of a Portal Page. This bug has been fixed.  
  10. Any of the External Report components, such as Tags or Glossary Terms, are no longer removed or impacted in any way upon PUT api/external_report.