Establish Connectivity to Planview PPM Pro

This article describes the creation of a Plugin Data Source to connect to Planview PPM Pro. This Data Source will allow data from existing Planview PPM Pro objects to be used in building elements using Metric Insights tools.

1. Create a Data Source

Access Admin > Collection & Storage > Data Sources

  1. [+ New Data Source]
  2. Select "Planview PPM Pro" option from the Other dropdown menu
  3. [Next Step]

2. Provide the Required Parameters

  1. Data Source Name: Give the Data Source a descriptive name
  2. Auth Type: Select "Password" option
  3. Username: Type the account's username
  4. Plugin Password: Type the password
  5. [Test Connection]

3. Proceed with Advanced Configuration

Advanced Configuration settings can be set to default values unless Data Source requires more precise tuning. For more details on how to proceed, refer to Advanced Data Source Configuration.