Establish Connectivity to Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive

This article details how to establish connectivity to MS SharePoint and OneDrive by using SharePoint Plugin. Prerequisites for establishing connectivity to SharePoint are listed below.

In order to connect to OneDrive, both SharePoint and OneDrive prerequisites must be fulfilled.



Locate Client ID and Tenant

Access Azure Portal's Home > App registrations > Your Application > Overview Tab

  1. Find Client ID and Tenant to be used for MI Data Source creation as shown on the screen above
Generate Client Secret

On Certificates & secrets tab:

  1. [+New client secret]
    • In the pop-up, specify details as needed and [Add]
  2. Copy the Client secret Value
    • NOTE: the Value won't be available after you perform another operation or leave the tab

1. Create New Data Source

Access Admin > Collection & Storage > Data Sources

  1. [+New Data Source]
  2. Choose "Microsoft SharePoint" from Other drop-down list
  3. [Next Step]

2. Specify Required Parameters

  1. Input a descriptive phrase in Data Source Name
  2. Select the required Auth Type
    • Client credential: specify parameters as shown on the screen
    • OAuth: use Client id and Token
    • Password: input Client id and MS SharePoint account credentials
    • Identity Profile: select the required Identity Profile
      • NOTE: Find the instructions on locating the required parameter values in MS SharePoint above
  3. Input MS SharePoint Client id
  4. Provide MS SharePoint Client Secret
  5. Enter MS SharePoint Tenant

Optionally, toggle on:

3. Configure Optional MS SharePoint Parameters

You can configure additional parameters for more precise object collection.

Name Description
1 Custom Field Filter

Specify custom field name(s) and value(s) to filter and collect objects that include these custom fields.

  • Format: "Field Name = Value". Example: “Country = USA, Canada; Product = wine”.
2 Document library filter Specify one or multiple Document libraries to filter objects. If left blank, Plugin will collect objects from all libraries.
3 Domain Specify a domain where the required Site is located. See the Site SharePoint API Optional Parameter.
4 Folders to exclude Specify the existing MS SharePoint Folder names to exclude these Folders from collection. The Parameter also excludes the collection of metadata for the Folders included in the list. To specify multiple Folders, use the pipe sign "|" as a delimiter.
5 Exclude library Specify MS SharePoint libraries to exclude from object collection. To specify multiple libraries, use a comma “,”  as a delimiter.
6 Exclude metadata columns Specify MS SharePoint columns that are not relevant for data collection. All available default columns are included in the list.
7 Folder filter Specify the existing MS SharePoint Folder name to filter and collect objects by folder.
To specify multiple Folders, use the pipe "|" as a delimiter.
8 History load interval Specify the period for which versions of documents are collected into the Version history Dataset. 
  • Leave blank or set to “0” to return metadata for the whole period. 
  • Set to “1” to return metadata for today. 
  • Set to “2” to get versions for today and yesterday, and so on. 
9 Include columns Set to "true" to include custom columns. This is required to proceed with Custom Field Data Synchronization
10 Include lists Set to "true" to include List objects to be able to create Datasets from them.
11 Include Excel sheets Set to "true" to include both Excel files and their sheets as individual objects upon collection. 
  • NOTE: External Content won't be created for individual sheets upon Content Autosync, it is only available for Excel files.
12 Site filter Specify the existing MS SharePoint Site name to filter and collect objects by site.
13 Site relative paths

If the sites.selected permission is used instead of, specify a comma-separated list of sites to pull objects from. If left blank, the permission must be granted to the data source service account. 

  • Format: hostname:/sites/sitename. Example:,
14 Site SharePoint API Specify a Site for which Groups associated with this Site will be returned to the SharePoint Group Membership Dataset. To make it work:
  • Configure the Domain Optional Parameter by specifying the SharePoint domain.
  • Obtain a certificate and configure the pathToPtx and ptxPassword Parameters at the Plugin Config Page specifying the corresponding certificate details.


Click [Refresh Metadata] to retrieve the additional MS SharePoint metadata.

Document library and Site Filters won't work if Values for them are set manually.

Clicking [Refresh Metadata] collects available Filter Values that are accessible for the Client ID specified in the profile.

Steps to work with Document library/Site Filter:

  1. [Refresh Metadata] and wait until the Metadata refreshed successfully popup is displayed
  2. Click the gear icon for the Filter
  3. Choose the Value from the drop-down (click the field to display it)
  4. [Save]
  5. [Refresh List] on the Microsoft SharePoint Objects Tab to verify your selection


  • 1. If Filters are not specified, Metric Insights will collect all objects from all Sites.
  • 2. If you use Site + Folder Filters, make sure the Folder exists in the specified Site. In case of inconsistencies, Metric Insights will not return any objects.

4. Proceed with Advanced Configuration

Advanced Configuration settings can be set to default values unless Data Source requires more precise tuning. For more details on how to proceed, refer to Advanced Data Source Configuration.

[Test Connection] in the upper right corner