Creating Charts in Dataset Reports

As of Release 5.5, Dataset Reports are powered with new charting capabilities. The enhanced functionality allows for better data presentation that will serve a wider range of User needs.

Available charting options include:

  1. Line/Bar/Area charts
  2. Pie charts
  3. Map charts
  4. Bubble charts
  5. Range charts

This list can be extended to include custom charts. For details, refer to Adding Custom Charts to Dataset Reports


  1. Build a Dataset Report either from the Dataset Viewer (via Actions > Build Report) or via New > Report
  2. Go to the Content tab of the Dataset Report Editor

For more information on Dataset Reports, go to Dataset Reports Overview (New in 5.3)

How to add a Chart

On the Content tab:

  1. Select the required option from the Charts section
  2. Drag the Chart tile to the Drop Components Here area
  3. The Chart Editor will open automatically. Configure your Chart using available options

Once the Chart has been added, you can pre-filter its data.

How to Filter Chart data

For better and more precise control over data visualization, you can add Chart Filters.

This can be done after the Chart has been displayed for viewing.

  1. Click [Filter Chart] to open the section
  2. Select the Operator (AND|OR) that will be used to filter data
  3. Add a Rule by clicking [+Rule]
  4. To add a Group of Rules, click [+Group]
  5. Apply to see the result
  6. Optionally, you can view exact measurement values for your data by selecting a point on the Chart

Change the Charts' default display options

Users can modify the appearance of their Charts (colors, line width, bar shape, etc.) from the Chart Layout Editor.

1. Line/Bar/Area charts

1.1. Line and Area charts

  1. Specify the Name of your Line/Area Chart
  2. Define which measurement values will be displayed on the X-axis
  3. If applicable, choose a relevant Date Zoom option (a month, three months, half a year, year-to-date, a year, or all)
  4. Measure: choose the type of Chart (Line/Area) by clicking the respective tile; from the dropdown, select the type of aggregation and the column whose values will be aggregated
  5. [+Drill To]: optionally, click the button to link your chart to another Metric Insights' element
    • The link to the element will instantly be displayed in the Chart Editor
  6. Series: select "Single" to make your Chart display a single Measure, and "Multiple" to show several Measures
    • By opting to have several Measures represented in your Chart, specify the additional Measure (in our case, One series of areas per Product Category) that will be shown on the Chart's X-Axis
  7. [new in 6.2.2] To control display, set the Stacking control: Upper image display shows the "none" option, the lower image is the "normal" option and "percent" option will display the percents for all data points on the normal image.
  8. [new in 6.2.0] To set a Chart Range for the Y-axis, click [Provide custom chart range..] to open the Minimum and Max value fields for input

Set other options as desired and click [Apply]  

1.2. Example of Line Chart with Stacking set to 'Percent'

Report Editor - Google Chrome

See explanation of settings in 1.1 Area chart

1.3. Bar Charts

  1. Specify the Name of your Chart
  2. Define which measurement values will be displayed on the X-axis
  3. Measure: choose the type of Chart (Bar) by clicking the respective tile; from the dropdown, select the type of aggregation and the column whose values will be aggregated
  4. [+Drill To]: optionally, click the button to link your chart to another Metric Insights' element
    • The link to the element will instantly be displayed in the Chart Editor
  5. Series: select "Single" to make your Chart display a single Measure, and "Multiple" to show several Measures
    • By opting to have several Measures represented  in your Chart, specify the additional Measure (in our case, One series of bars per Product Category) that will be shown on the Chart's X-Axis
  6. If required, change Orientation and Stacking defaults
  7. [new in 6.2.0] To set a Chart Range for the Y-axis, click [Provide custom chart range..] to open the Minimum and Max value fields for input
  8. Configure other settings as desired and click [Apply] to save your inputs

1.4. Re-order the series in a Multi-series Line/Bar/Area chart

Report Editor - Google Chrome
  1. [new in 6.2.2] Using vertical arrows, drag the formatting components up or down
  2. Apply
2. Pie charts
  1. Specify the Name of your Pie Chart
  2. Sector Labels: define which measurement values will be displayed by the Pie Chart sectors
  3. Sector Values: from the dropdown, select the type of aggregation and the column whose values will be aggregated
  4. [+Drill To]: optionally, click the button to link your chart to another Metric Insights' element
    • The link to the element will instantly be displayed in the Chart Editor
  5. Optionally, select the Chart to show Display Values and/or Display % of Total
  6. Configure other settings as desired and click [Apply] to save your inputs
3. Map charts
  1. Specify the Name of your Map Chart
  2. Map: from the dropdown, choose the type of map that will displayed (World Map, World Region or Country)
  3. Location: from the dropdown, select the data column containing relevant country names or world region names
  4. Values: from the dropdown, select the type of aggregation and the column whose values will be aggregated
  5. Display Label: determine if and how you want your map to be labeled
  6. Configure other settings as desired and click [Apply] to save your inputs
4. Bubble charts
  1. Specify the Name of your Bubble Chart
  2. Labels: from the dropdown, select which Column Values will be displayed as Labels on the Chart Bubbles
  3. X-Axis: define the Measure whose values  will be displayed on the X-axis
  4. Y-Axis: define the Measure whose values will be displayed on the Y-axis
  5. Value: from the dropdown, select the type of aggregation and the column whose values will be aggregated
  6. [+Drill To]: optionally, click the button to link your chart to another Metric Insights' element
    • The link to the element will instantly be displayed in the Chart Editor
  7. Display Value/Display Labels: determine if and how you want your Bubble Chart to show Values and/or Labels
  8. Configure other settings as desired and click [Apply] to save your inputs
5. Funnel charts
  1. Specify the Name of your Funnel Chart
  2. Labels: from the dropdown, select which Column Values will be displayed as Labels on the Funnel Chart
  3. Value: from the dropdown, select the type of aggregation and the column whose values will be aggregated
  4. Sort Order: specify the Measure whose values will be sorted and determine the sorting order (Ascending or Descending)
  5. [+Drill To]: optionally, click the button to link your chart to another Metric Insights' element
    • The link to the element will instantly be displayed in the Chart Editor
  6. Display Value: uncheck the box if you do not want measurement values to appear on the Chart
  7. Configure other settings as desired and click [Apply] to save your inputs
6. Range charts
  1. Specify the Name of your Range Chart
  2. Define which Measure each Chart bar will represent
  3. Determine the Start and End Values for your Range Chart
  4. Value Axis Label: if needed, label the Axis that displays Measure Values
  5. [+Drill To]: optionally, click the button to link your chart to another Metric Insights' element
    • The link to the element will instantly be displayed in the Chart Editor
  6. Display Value: uncheck the box if you do not want measurement values to appear on the Chart
  7. Configure other settings as desired and click [Apply] to save your inputs