Burst Tracking

New in Version 6.2, we are providing the ability to track Burst opens and link engagement (links clicked in email) in the same way that tools like Hubspot and Mailchimp are able to.

Initially, we are just adding tables to our Dashboard database upon which ad-hoc reports can be created.

This article shows how to set up this tracking on Bursts.

Prerequisites :

A burst you want to track for usage

1. Verify that System Variables are Set for Tracking

Variables - Google Chrome

Access Admin > System > System Variables

  1. Enter "tracking" in the Search field to limit selections
  2. If necessary, use the edit icon to set the Variables to "Y".
  3. [Commit changes]

2. Access Burst Editor > Customize Tab

My Notification: Burst - Daily Sales KPIs and dashboards - Google Chrome

In Email Tracking section:

  1. Check [Track links clicked in email] to provide tracking of the links accessed from each Burst email
  2. Check [Track email opens ..] to provide statistics on the number of times the Burst emails are opened

In the Dashboard database, the following tables are updated:

  1. "Track links clicked in email" will log to notification_schedule_distribution_clicked_link
  2. "Track email opens via tracking pixel"  will log to notification_schedule_distribution_opens_log when a Burst is opened, note that this will depend on security settings. Often, Outlook is set up to require an explicit download of all images. We can only track the open if images are downloaded.

For tracking option 2 above, a tracking pixel must be added to the email templates following standard email tracking protocol.