Create a Feedback Prompt

Metric Insights has provided the ability for users to assess Feedback for Portal Pages and Elements from Feedback Prompts. The Prompts are available to configure under Content > Feedback Prompts. You are free to formulate one or more questions, depending on what viewpoints you want to discover about the content. Once added, users can rate the content from 1 to 10 and/or leave specific comments. Feedback and other statistics are available on the Engagement tab of Element/Portal Editors. 

Global limits for how often a user should be prompted can be set via the following System Variables:


1. Add Feedback Prompt

Content > Feedback Prompts

Feedback Prompts - Google Chrome
  1. [+ Feedback Prompt] to view New Feedback popup

1.1. Set Prompt Range and Prompt Name

Feedback Prompts - Google Chrome
  1. Name: Name of the Feedback Prompt
  2. Prompt on: 
    • If Individual Elements:  Just click [Create]
    • If Selected Page: Select a Portal Page from drop-down, then [Create]

1.2. Setup the Prompt for Individual Elements (by Category) - Basics

Feedback Prompt - Google Chrome
  1. Element Prompt Text: free-form entry
  2. Collect Ratings opens two additional fields, these are explained in following Step - 1.2.1
  3. Prompt only after: The number of times a User looks at an element before they will be prompted for input
  4. Prompt no more than: Sets the limit for how many times a User can be prompted if they do not provide any feedback
  5. Ask User again: Sets the time interval between prompts for a User when they provide feedback
  6. The two variables set a limit to how often a User will encounter a Prompt from any source. Fields set in #3-5 apply at the element level.
  7. Feedback Text Default: free-form entry
  8. Apply to: Selecting either Selected Categories or Selected Folders opens Popup to allow choice of multiple Categories/Folders
  9. Apply to: You can Prompt All Users or Users in selected Groups will open Popup to allow choice of multiple Groups.
  10. (unlabeled) Displays the number of elements that will contain this prompt. This is not available if All Categories is selected.

Then [Save & Enable] to activate the Prompt

1.2.1. Using the Collect Ratings Option

Feedback Prompt - Google Chrome
  1. Check Collect Ratings to open the following two input rows
  2. Set Negative Rating and Positive Rating levels: input is numeric
  3. Set Labels for Low and High Ratings: free-form input

2. Prompts Appear Will Appear on Lower Right Corner

External Report: Demo Daily Sales - Google Chrome
  1. Open the popup using the arrow
  2. Input your response by clicking on a circle (these are color-coded: red/yellow/green).
  3. Optionally, enter free-form specific feedback
Certify Content - Google Chrome

Portal Page prompts work exactly like prompts for elements

2.1. [6.3.2] Feedback icon added to Share Options list

Located on right-side of elements/Portal pages

Report: Wine Sales Report - Google Chrome
  1. Feedback icon: Click to add your rating and comments as shown above. This icon will always appear when a Feedback Prompt exists for this element.
  2. Feedback Prompt:  This Prompt may or may not display based on Prompt criteria set in  Setup the Prompt for Individual Elements (by Category)

3. Setting Feedback Priorities

An element or Portal Page can have multiple Prompts asking different questions. Since only one Prompt can be triggered at a time, you use the "Drag and Drop" function in the grid below to set priority for Prompts. The uppermost Prompt will have priority if there are multiples.

Feedback Prompts - Google Chrome
  1. Since these two Prompts have Wine Sales Category in common, Users will first be prompted for Report elements in that Category,  and then, assuming that the Prompt interval hasn't expired on the first Prompt,  next time the User will be prompted for the Chart displayed in that Report.
Example of Ordering of Two Prompts in Section 3
Feedback Prompt - Google Chrome

4. Understanding Feedback Results

4.1. On Feedback Prompt Editor

Access Element Feedback tab

Feedback Prompt - Google Chrome
  1. Filters allow parsing of the Feedback data by various factor

4.2. On Specific Elements

Click on any Element name in above grid to access Element Editor

Report Editor - Google Chrome
  1. Access the Engagement tab
  2. Scroll down to Feedback Section

For details of the analysis, see Understanding Engagement and Feedback on Elements