Granting User Access to Notification Schedule

In Metric Insights, both Regular (RU's) and Power Users (PU's) can use any Notification Schedule that is "Shared with Everyone" (formerly called "Public") when creating Bursts and other Collaborative Items, e.g., Alert Digest. Both types of Users can also create "Restricted Use" (formerly called "Private") Notification Schedules that are only available to the Users who created them. No Privilege is required for either of these actions.

However, to be able to edit Notification Schedules, Power Users have to receive specific Privileges and Permissions from the Administrator. This article describes the steps an Administrator should take to give the Power User Edit access to a Notification Schedule.

Granting Regular and Power Users Access to High-Frequency Schedules

By default, the minimum frequency of the Notification Schedule is one or more days. To make the frequency smaller, the Admin has to grant the User a Create high frequency schedules Privilege. It allows a Regular or Power User to create a Schedule with a frequency of a specified number of minutes or hours.

Granting Users Use Access to Notification Schedule

Regular Users Access

As noted above, RU's can create Notification Schedules and use these, as well as any "Shared with Everyone" Schedule, when scheduling Burst for Collaborative Digests and Notifications. RU's can only edit "Shared with Everyone" Schedules that they created themselves. In this case, Regular User access to the Notification Schedule Editor is available via the edit icon next to the setting on the object being scheduled or on the Content > Notification Schedules page. The Editor itself is very limited and does not allow use of the "Access" setting.

Power User Use Access to "Shared with Everyone" Schedules

Just as the Regular User, the Power User doesn't need any Permissions or Privileges to use Notification Schedules that are "Shared with Everyone", when scheduling Burst for Collaborative Digests and Notifications. Besides that, PU can edit Notification Schedules that were created by that PU.

Power User Use Access to "Restricted Use" Schedules

The Power User has to be granted a Permission to Use a "Restricted Use" Notification Schedule. If the Permission is granted, the PU can see the "Restricted" Schedule in the dropdown list and use it when creating a Burst.

Granting Power Users Edit Access

Only Groups and Power Users can be granted Edit Access to a "Shared with Everyone" Notification Schedule. "Restricted Use" Schedules may only be edited by an Admin, the User who created them or by a Power User who has been granted Edit Access to them.

Edit Access allows Power Users to access the full Notification Schedule Editor, as well as:

  • Set the Schedule's Access to "Shared with Everyone"
  • Update settings in the Editor
  • Grant Permissions to Groups and Power Users to Edit a specific Schedule  
  • Access the Notification Schedules entry in the Admin menu and, when selected, open the Notification Schedule list page  
  • Use Active Name links in the grid to allow the PU to open the Editor of any Notification Schedule to which the user has Edit Access

A Power User can grant Access to the Schedule to Power Users who are members of the same Group or the ones the PU has Edit Access to. A Power User can get access to the notification Schedule individually or inherit it from the Group he/she is a member of.

Additional Option for Power Users

By default, Power Users who have Edit Access can grant other PU's access to the Notification Schedule, but it's limited to the Users that are members of the same Group. With the extended Security Privilege, Allow Power Users to grant Notification Schedule Edit Access to any User or Group, a PU is not limited to granting access to Groups to which the User belongs and Power User Members of those Groups. Edit Access may be assigned to any PU or Group.

Assign "Allow Power Users to grant Notification Schedule Edit Access to any User or Group" Privilege

Access Admin > Users & Groups and click on the PU's Active Name link to open the User Editor

  1. On the Info tab scroll the page to the Privileges section
  2. [+Privilege To User]
  3. Filter the list by "schedule"
  4. Find the "Allow Power Users to grant Notification Schedule Edit Access to any User or Group" Privilege and select the checkbox
  5. [Save]

You are done. Great job!