Granting Power User Ability to Create Favorites

"Create Favorites" Privilege allows Power Users to:

  • Create new Favorites
  • Rename the default "My Favorites" folder, provided automatically to all new Users
  • Manage the tile content of the user's Favorites folders
  • Set options for any Favorite using the Edit icon
  • Delete any Favorites except the default "My Favorites"

This article describes the steps an Administrator should take to give the Power User the ability to create Favorites.

NOTE:  Favorites are for the personal use of the owner only. They may not be shared with others. To share content, use the Folders functionality. See Understanding Folders for more information. Upon Migration, any user or Group with the obsolete "Share Favorites" Privilege will be granted the "Create Folders" Privilege.

Assign the "Create Favorites" Privilege

Access Admin > Users & Groups and click on the PU's Active Name link to open the User Editor

NOTE: "Create Favorites" Privilege can be a part of a Privilege Set. Assigning Privilege Sets rather than specific Privileges is recommended in Metric Insights, so check the Privileges List at the bottom of the page. If the "Create Favorites" Privilege is not in the list, proceed with this step.

  1. [+Privilege To User]
  2. Filter the list by "Create Favorites"
  3. Find the "Create Favorites" Privilege and select the checkbox
  4. [Save]

Only an Admin may grant this Privilege to a User but either an Admin or a Power User with Edit Access to the Group may grant it to a Group.