Kubectl Commands Cheat Sheet
Here you'll find a list of kubectl commands you can use to manage Metric Insights if deployed in Kubernetes.
- 1.) Deploying
- 2.) Getting Information
- 3.) Getting into Pods with containers
- 4.) Getting Logs
- 5.) Deleting
1.) Deploying
- Deploy Metric Insights in the namespace using a configuration file:
kubectl --namespace <MI-namespace> apply -f <configuration-file>.yml
2.) Getting Information
- Get list of all services in the namespace:
kubectl get services -n <MI-namespace>
- Get list of pods in the namespace:
kubectl get pods -n <MI-namespace>
kubectl get pods -n <MI-namespace> -o wide
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'
- Get detailed information about each pod:
kubectl describe pods -n <MI-namespace> -o wide
- Get list of events sorted by timestamp:
kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
3.) Opening a Bash Shell inside a Pod
- Open a bash shell for a specific pod:
kubectl exec -it <pod-ID> -n <MI-namespace> bash
4.) Getting Logs
- See logs for a specific pod:
kubectl logs <pod-ID>
kubectl logs -f <pod-ID>
5.) Deleting
- Deleting pods and services (to generate a new pod):
kubectl -n <MI-namespace> delete pod <pod-ID>
kubectl -n <MI-namespace> delete svc <service-ID>
kubectl -n <MI-namespace> delete pod/svc --all
- Deleting all resources in the namespace
kubectl -n <MI-namespace> delete -f <configuration-file>.yml