Help & Documentation
1. Deploying Metric Insights 40
- 1.1 What deployment options are available?
- 1.2 What are the System Requirements for a Metric Insights Server?
- 1.3 Single Server Docker Deployment (Simple Install)
- 1.4 Deploying Metric Insights in an Orchestrated Environment
- 1.5 Deploy Metric Insights as a Virtual Appliance
- 1.6 What Are the Main Components of the Metric Insights Stack?
- 1.7 Expose Metric Insights on VMware when using NAT networking
- 1.8 Deploy Metric Insights on Amazon EC2
- 1.9 Logging via Splunk
- 1.10 Accessing the Metric Insights Log Files
- 1.11 MI Chatbot Deployment (prior to v6.3.5)
- 1.12 Operating System Linux Package Requirements
- 1.13 Deploying Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm
- 1.14 Docker Commands Cheat Sheet (Swarm Deployment)
- 1.15 Docker Commands Cheat Sheet (Simple Install / Single-server / Non-orchestrated)
- 1.16 Creating Amazon ECS Scheduled Tasks for MI utilities
- 1.17 Deploy Metric Insights on Kubernetes
- 1.18 Kubectl Commands Cheat Sheet
- 1.19 Administer Metric Insights in Kubernetes
- 1.20 Deploy Metric Insights on OpenShift 3/4
- 1.21 Deploy Metric Insights on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine
- 1.22 Uploading Metric Insights Docker Images to a Private Registry
- 1.23 Installing and configuring MySQL 8
- 1.24 Creating test environments based on Production
- 1.25 Install or Update MI via Installation Packages (for MI v6.x)
- 1.26 Maintaining Security Updates for Docker Images
- 1.27 Accessing and Using the Monitoring Service UI
- 1.28 Deploy Metric Insights on OpenShift 4
- 1.29 Generate the Deployment Files by the Installation Wizard
- 1.30 Deploy Metric Insights in AWS Marketplace
- 1.31 Deploying a Disaster Recovery Environment
- 1.32 Mount Windows Shared Folder on AWS EKS
- 1.33 Configure Redis for Caching
- 1.34 Configure AWS Private Link Connection
- 1.35 MySQL Deployment in Azure
- 1.36 MySQL Deployment in AWS with RDS
- 1.37 MI Application Deployment on Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
- 1.38 Key Security Changes in v7.0.2
- 1.39 How Metric Insights Containers Are Hardened
- 1.40 Supported MySQL Versions
2. Configuring Metric Insights 29
- 2.1 Configuring Metric Insights Appearance
- 2.2 Multiple Branded Experiences on the Same Instance (v6.3.2+)
- 2.3 Multiple Branded Experiences on the Same Instance (Prior to v6.3.2)
- 2.4 Configuring Custom Email Template Header/Footer Images for a Brand
- 2.5 Using the Branding Feature (prior to V6.2.4)
- 2.6 Setup Email
- 2.7 How to Set the System Clock
- 2.8 Generating Empty Dataset Reports (when there is No Data)
- 2.9 Debug Logging
- 2.10 Set Timezone (Virtual Appliance or CentOS/Redhat Linux)
- 2.11 Set Timezone (Debian Linux)
- 2.12 Supported Time and Date Formats
- 2.13 Add New Measurement Time Calculation
- 2.14 Default Name/Description Values for Elements
- 2.15 Set Hostname for Metric Insights server
- 2.16 Set up Web SSL Certificate for Metric Insights
- 2.17 How do I specify a domain name when connecting to SQL Server?
- 2.18 Designate an Administrator as a System Admin
- 2.19 Advanced Search Tuning: Understanding Rate Calculation
- 2.20 Add Median Function to MySQL
- 2.21 Configure License Request Profiles for Tableau Users
- 2.22 Checklist for Configuring a Metric Insights Production Environment
- 2.23 Configuring Custom Components
- 2.24 Integrating with Outlook
- 2.25 Rule-Based Email Encryption
- 2.26 Syncing Custom Attributes for Users and Groups
- 2.27 Create a Business Unit
- 2.28 How to Change the Logo
- 2.29 Configuring Secure Connection Between MySQL and Metric Insights Application
3. Configuring Global Search 2
4. Troubleshooting Metric Insights 5
- 4.1 Troubleshooting Email Connectivity - Sending emails
- 4.2 Getting "ERROR: Can't write to /var/backups/mi-app-backups/mi-full-backup" when trying to backup my Metric Insights Instance.
- 4.3 Will Metric Insights Run on Windows?
- 4.4 Troubleshooting External Content
- 4.5 Troubleshooting Slow UI Performance
6. Administering Metric Insights with MI Console 4
Last Updated
Mar 04, 2021
Other Resources
Getting Started
- Metric Insights Overview
- Jump Start Guide for Administrators
- Jump Start Guide for Regular Users
- Use Case Workflows
Getting Data
- Connecting to Data Sources
- Automating the Collection of Data
- API Access
- Working with Tableau
- Working with Qlik Sense
- Working with Microsoft Power BI
- Working with Google Services
Creating Content
- Datasets
- Creating Basic Metrics and Reports
- Creating Dimensions
- Creating Dimensioned Metrics and Reports
- Governance
- Portal Pages
- User Maps
- Alerting
Collaboration and Sharing
- Adding Context to Metrics
- Pushing Information to Users
- Chatbot Integrations