Troubleshooting Slow UI Performance

Step Question to Ask Action to Take
Are pages slow to load in Metric Insights?
Check with other users to isolate whether it's a computer-specific issue or a Metric Insights issue affecting all other users.
  • If it's just your computer, proceed to Step 2.
  • If other users are experiencing the same UI slowness, proceed to Step 4.
If no one else is experiencing UI slowness, what is the load like on your computer?
If your computer itself is slow to respond, the load is probably very high on your machine:
- Try closing out other programs on your machine then reload Metric Insights in a browser.
- Try loading Metric Insights in an Incognito/Private window to see if it loads faster. If it does, there is probably a browser cache issue (clear it).
If the tests above do not help, proceed to Step 3.
If there is no load on your computer but your browser experience is poor, how quickly do other sites come up? 
Check your network settings. 
Is every page slow to load in Metric Insights or is it just specific pages? 
  • If every page is slow to load in Metric Insights, proceed to Step 5.
  • If only specific pages are slow to load, make a note of the pages and proceed to Step 5.
Do you have Developer Tools available in your browser? If unsure, right-click the browser and see if the menu option "Inspect" is available. 
If "Inspect" is available:
  • Click that to bring up the Developer Tools window pane in the browser;
  • Go to the Network Tab and refresh the Metric Insights page in the browser to capture Network Traffic from start to finish;
  • Once the page loads, save the Network Traffic by right-clicking in the network traffic activity window and select `Save All as HAR with Content`;
  • Review the Network Traffic yourself in and find anything that is taking one second or longer to complete;
  • Send the Network Traffic HAR file to [email protected];
  • Describe the issue and identify whether all pages are slow to load or specific pages only;
  • Also make note of what network activity is taking one second or longer to complete;
  • By emailing [email protected], a new support ticket will be opened with Metric Insights who can help review the Network Trace;
  • Proceed to Step 6.

If "Inspect" is not available: 
  • Find an Admin who has that option in their browser and have them repeat the steps above.
  • Then proceed to Step 6.
Do you have access to the Metric Insights application environment + the MySQL database? If not, can you quickly locate an administrator who does?
Check the load in both the application environment + the MySQL environment
  • If you have access to resource charting, please grab or ask for those.

In the application environment (for an unorchestrated install):
  • Check the load on the server (CPU, Memory, Disk consumption);
  • If the load is high, i.e., resource utilization is near 100%, proceed to Step 7.

In the application environment (for an orchestrated install like Kubernetes):
  • Check the load on the server (CPU, Memory, Disk consumption);
  • If the load is high, i.e., resource utilization is near 100%, proceed to Step 8.

In the MySQL database environment:
  • Check the load on the database server (CPU, Memory, Disk consumption);
  • If the load is high, i.e. resource utilization is near 100%, proceed to Step 9.

For resource charting captured, please send those to the ticket opened in Step 5.
---For UNORCHESTRATED Environment---
Are you or your server admin able to take screenshots to share with Metric Insights Support?
If not, please find a method to take screenshots. 
Proceed with capturing the following in the application environment (unorchestrated):
  • Run the command `top` on the server host and capture a screenshot;
  • Enter the Web container and run the same command `top` and capture a screenshot;
  • Run the command `ps -ef > WebContainerProcessList.log`;
  • Send the screenshots and WebContainerProcessList.log to the same support ticket opened in Step 5.
Also grab the Metric Insights applications logs from the Admin menu > Status Monitor page > Errors & Logs tab > [Get error logs] button > Download to your local machine.
Send the zip that downloads to the same support ticket opened in Step 5.
---For ORCHESTRATED Environment---
Are you or your server admin able to take screenshots to share with Metric Insights Support?
If not, please find a method to take screenshots. 
Proceed with capturing the following in the application environment (orchestrated, e.g., Kubernetes, OpenShift):
  • Enter the Web pod and run the command `top` and capture a screenshot;
  • Run the command `ps -ef > WebContainerProcessList.log`;
  • Send the screenshot and WebContainerProcessList.log to the same support ticket opened in Step 5 for review by the Metric Insights Support team.
Also grab the Metric Insights applications logs from the Admin menu > Status Monitor page > Errors & Logs tab > [Get error logs] button > Download to your local machine.
Send the zip that downloads to the same support ticket opened in Step 5 for review by the Metric Insights Support team.
---For MySQL Database---
Are you or your server admin able to take screenshots to share with Metric Insights Support?
If not, please find a method to take screenshots.
Proceed with capturing the following on the database server:
  • Run the command `top` and capture a screenshot;
  • If you're unable to run this on the database server host (because the database is deployed in a cloud environment like Azure, AWS, GCP), capture resource usage charts to share;
  • Open a MySQL client to the database and get a list of running processes by running `show processlist` and output that to a log file to share;
  • You can do this from the Web container/pod and run `mysql -e "show processlist" > mysqlprocesslist-1.log`;
  • Run this several times to capture the list of open processes over a period of time.
NOTE: It is imperative that the MySQL process list is captured at the time of UI slowness.
Once you have several mysql-processlist-*.log files created, send those to the same support ticket opened in Step 5 for review by the Metric Insights Support team.