MySQL Deployment in AWS with RDS

1. Create RDS Security Group and Allow Access to the DB

Log in to your AWS account > Services > VPC

  1. Select Security Groups under the Security section on the left part of the Console
  2. [Create Security Group]
  3. Fill out the Basic details section, enter the Security group name and Description, leave other fields as-is
    • Leave the Outbound section as is and click [Create Security Group] button at the bottom of the page

2. Create RDS DB Instance

2.1. Create New Database

Access Services > RDS

  1. [Create Database]
  2. Choose Standard Create method
  3. Under the Engine Options section select Engine type as MySQL and Edition as 8.0.20
  4. Deployment options: select Multi-AZ DB instance

2.2. Provide DB Settings

2.3. Set DB Instance Class

Set DB instance class to Standard classes (includes m classes)

2.4. Configure Storage Options

Under the Storage section select the appropriate storage size and whether to auto-scale it or not and scaling limits

2.5. Set DB VPC

Under the Connectivity section select your VPC, set Allow Public Access to 'Yes'. For the VPC Security Group option set Choose Existing and select the Security Group that you have previously created.

2.6. Set DB Authentication

2.7. Additional Configuration

Expand the Additional Configuration section and scroll down to the Maintenance options. Deactivate Enable auto minor version upgrade checkbox. You can also set the desired Maintenance Window here.

2.8. Configure Backup

An important part of every DB setup is backup configuration. By default, automated backups are enabled with a retention period of 7 days. You can change the retention period under Backup options in the same section, as well as set the desired backup window.

2.9. Finish DB Creation

Once you have finished providing DB settings, click [Create Database]. The RDS list is opened, and the new database is shown as Creating.

3. Configure RDS Parameter Group Based on MI Recommendations

Access RDS Console > Parameter Groups > [Create Group]

Fill the form, select 'mysql-8.0' from Parameter group family, DB Parameter Group from Type drop-down. Enter Group name and Description of your choice. Click [Create].

4. Provide Parameters' Values

4.1. Access Parameter Group

RDS Parameters list will open up, click on the newly created group name to open it with recommended parameters for different instances sizes based on RAM available.

4.2. Edit Parameters

Click [Edit Parameters], locate the parameters listed in the table below and for each parameter enter the recommended values based on your instance's RAM size. [Save] after modifying each parameter.

16 GB 32 GB 64 GB
log_bin_trust_function_creators 1
performance_schema OFF
max_heap_table_size 1610612736
key_buffer_size 34217728 536870912 536870912
join_buffer_size 8388608 16777216 16777216
sort_buffer_size 8388608 8388608 8388608
read_buffer_size 8388608 8388608 16777216
read_rnd_buffer_size 4194304 8388608 8388608
table_definition_cache 8192 16384 16384
table_open_cache 16384
table_open_cache_instances 1
tmp_table_size 536870912
innodb_buffer_pool_size 4294967296 10737418240 10737418240
innodb_file_per_table 1
innodb_adaptive_hash_index 0
optimizer_search_depth 12
thread_stack 1048576
connect_timeout 10
wait_timeout 28800
innodb_open_files 2048
max_connections 400
innodb_lock_wait_timeout 600
innodb_flush_method O_DIRECT
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit 2
innodb_purge_threads 1
max_allowed_packet 107341824
gtid_mode 0
low_priority_updates 1
require_secure_transport OFF

NOTE: See Fine-Tuning MySQL Parameters for details.

5. Assign Parameter Group to RDS Instance

Access RDS instances list > Your RDS Instance > [Modify] > Additional Configuration  

Select the newly created parameter group from the DB parameter group drop-down, then [Continue] at the bottom of the page.

6. Reboot DB Instance

  1. In the Scheduling of Modifications section, select Apply Immediately
  2. [Modify DB Instance]
  3. Wait for the instance state to return to Available
  4. To apply the new parameters to the DB engine, reboot your RDS instance:
    • In the DB Instances list panel, select Reboot from the Actions menu at the top-right corner.

7. Install MI Using RDS

Navigate to your installation folder of Metric Insights application and issue the following command:

./ --components web,seed,data-analyzer,dataprocessor,monitoring --db-hostname <Your RDS Hostname> --db-user admin --db-password <Your RDS Password>

You can find your DB hostname via RDS > Databases > Your RDS Instance > Connectivity & security > Endpoint & port > Endpoint

If your MI installation is using a timezone other than RDS do, then the --mysql-timezone option should be passed as well with the MI Installation timezone specified as its value.