Troubleshooting Email Connectivity - Sending emails
Once you have email up and running you might run into a situation where users are not receiving emails. This article gives some tips on how to troubleshoot email issues if this occurs.
1. Check Status Monitor screen for Sending Email
The Status Monitor screen provides information on your system such as usage and errors. If you have errors in your email setup then the Status Monitor provides information on that.
1.1. Admin menu > Status Monitor

1.2. Status Monitor for Sending email error

The Status Monitor displays error information for your email setup. Each time you refresh this page, the system attempts to connect to the email server.
- If an error occurs then it displays in email server section. Clicking on Fail will display error
- Example error
- Any emails not sent should reside in the Queue and can be corrected in that section
1.3. Email error and possible causes
The following is a list of email errors with possible causes
1. phpnetwork_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Error encountered when Sending mail: phpnetwork_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php
Cause: Incorrect value for SEND_MAIL_SERVER
2. Error: authentication failed: authentication failure
Error encountered when Sending mail: 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Incorrect value for SEND_MAIL_LOGIN, SEND_MAIL_PASSWORD
3. Username and Password not accepted
Error encountered when Sending mail: 5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at 5.7.8 yn4sm25783434pbb.95 - gsmtp Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Incorrect value for SEND_MAIL_LOGIN, SEND_MAIL_PASSWORD
4. Network is unreachable
Error encountered when Sending mail: Network is unreachable Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Incorrect value for SEND_MAIL_SERVER, SEND_MAIL_PORT
5. Failed to parse address
Error encountered when Sending mail: Failed to parse address "" Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Incorrect or no value for SEND_MAIL_PORT
6. Error: authentication not enabled
Error encountered when Sending mail: 5.5.1 Error: authentication not enabled Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Incorrect value for SEND_MAIL_PORT
7. Must issue a STARTTLS command first
Error encountered when Sending mail: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. sm8sm20393998pbc.92 - gsmtp Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Incorrect value for SEND_MAIL_SSL
8. Last request failed
Error encountered when Sending mail: Last request failed. Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Value for SEND_MAIL_SERVER and SEND_MAIL_PORT are valid but email server at that location is not able to process request
9. Connection timed out
Error encountered when Sending mail: Connection timed out Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Incorrect value for SEND_MAIL_SERVER, SEND_MAIL_PORT.
At machine confirm that you have connectivity to the email server. For example, use telnet to test
[root@MetricInsights-Centos-64-bit ~]# telnet 587
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP lr3sm64684873pab.4 - gsmtp
Upon successful telnet connection, then exit via "control ]" keys followed by "quit"
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
[root@MetricInsights-Centos-64-bit ~]#
10. Unrecognized command
Error encountered when Sending mail: 5.3.3 Unrecognized command. Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Cause: Value for SEND_MAIL_SSL should be empty ('')
11. No specific error information supplied.
Error encountered when Sending mail. Check setting of SEND_MAIL_ variables in /var/www/iv/engine/config/const.php.
Many possible reasons can cause this message. For example, certain values for the SEND_MAIL_ parameters are not completed, such as SEND_MAIL_SERVER, SEND_MAIL_LOGIN
2. If no errors are shown on the Status Monitor, try these steps:
2.1. Test sending an email
Try sending an email. There are various places in the Metric Insights application where you can send an email. Below are just a few examples.
2.2. Test sending emails to various accounts
If users within an organization are not getting emails then try sending emails to accounts outside the organization. For example, try sending to your personal email account.
2.3. Check whitelist
If you find that some accounts do not receive emails but others do, then ask your email administrator to verify that the Metric Insights is on the whitelist for receiving email.
2.4. Check spam folder
If you find that some accounts do not receive emails but others do, then check their spam folder. Emails could have been blocked as spam by your system.
3. Check email log files
If you have access to Metric Insights application server then you can check the system logs for any errors.
- View the contents of /var/mail/root. This file contains information on emails with which the system had trouble.
- View the contents of log files in all email digest activity for troubleshooting. The log file is saved to: /var/www/iv/data/temp/email/YYYY-MM-DD.log to see when email was sent. You will need to have set EMAIL_LOGGING to 'Y' in the Setting the Configuration Variables
4. Troubleshoot mail server via telnet
You can use telnet to do some basic querying of the mail server. Depending on the mail server, the commands and order of the commands will differ. What follows is just a few of the first simple SMTP commands via telnet
me@myserver:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Sun, 18 May 2014 23:36:01 -0400
ehlo Hello