Why Do I See Empty Page When I Set My External Report to Display in Viewer?
Metric Insights uses secure http, i.e., https. If the web application that serves as the source for your External Report uses ordinary http, you will not be able to display the report in the Metric Insights viewer. This is a fundamental security limitation of all browsers.
1. Verify that your External report is being blocked

Look for an indicator in the web browser address bar such as examples above (different for Firefox, Chrome,...)
1.1. Alternatively you can open the 'console' for your browser
- Look for it in Developer Tools
- Then enter the URL for your External Report.
You should see a message like this:
[blocked] The page at 'https://your_metric_insights.site.com/extreport/index/index/element/101/from/editor/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'http://your_external_application.site.com': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
2. Short term solution

- Click on icon in browser address bar
- Click OK to permit the load
Note: Each time you get blank page, you must click on icon in browser address bar to allow unsafe (http) content