Create External Report from MicroStrategy One

This article details how to create External Report from MiscroStrategy One plugin.


Established connectivity to MicroStrategy One

1. Create New External Report

Access +New > External Report > MicroStrategy One

  1. Name: Give the External Report a descriptive name
  2. Category: Specify Category where External Report is to be placed
  3. Image: Define whether content has to be updated manually or automatically
    • For "Automatically Collected", specify Report Image Trigger 
  4. Plugin Connection Profile: Select the MicroStrategy One Data Source from the drop-down menu
  5. Report: Select the Report 
  6. URL template: Choose the default URL template
  7. [Next: Define Details]

2. Specify Report Details

Go to Configuration tab

  1. Show Report in: Select how the Report will be shown, in Viewer or external page
    • For "Viewer", select Show "In iframe" or "As static image" option
      • NOTE: When opting to display a Report as Static Image, make sure to Collect Image before going to Viewer
  2. Report Image: Select option:
    • "Always collect all instances of external report": Collect all images and cache them on a schedule
    • "On Demand: only when needed for distribution":  Individual images are only collected when they need to be included in an email

3. Collect Image and Publish

NOTE: MicroStrategy One Plugin supports getting images only for the Dashboard type Objects.

  1. [Collect Image]
  2. [Enable & Publish] to proceed to Viewer