Configure Scripts for Dataset Creation
To be able to serve as a basis for Dataset creation, a script must return data in a format that can be processed by the Script plugin.
A script can serve as a basis for Dataset if it outputs:
- A string in QueryResponse JSON blob format
QueryResponse Format
"header": [
{"name": <Header 1 Name>, "type": <Header 1 Type>},
{"name": <Header 2 Name>, "type": <Header 2 Type>},
{"name": <Header 3 Name>, "type": <Header 3 Type>],
"data": [
[<Value 1 of Header 1>, <Value 1 of Header 2>, <Value 1 of Header 3>],
[<Value 2 of Header 1>, <Value 2 of Header 2>, <Value 2 of Header 3>]
A QueryResponse JSON blob is an JavaScript object with two properties:
header: contains an array of header objects that have two properties:
- name: header name
- type: header data type
- data: arrays of data values separated by comma
"header": [
{ "name": "Accessed time", "type": "DATE" },
{ "name": "Parent Category", "type": "INTEGER" },
{ "name": "User name", "type": "TEXT" },
{ "name": "User ID", "type": "INTEGER" },
{ "name": "User type", "type": "TEXT" },
{ "name": "Element name", "type": "TEXT" }
"data": [
["2020-11-18 10:41:13", 149, "support", 923, "Administrator", "Total Monthly Acquisition Cost Per Customer"],
["2020-10-15 07:42:21", 2, "alice", 541, "Power User", "GoogleAnalytics Users Europe"],
["2020-10-13 09:37:17", 14, "bob", 891, "Regular User", "Sales Summary 2019"]
For more details on using a Custom Script as a Data Source, see Establish Connectivity to Script Plugin.