Create External Report from TIBCO WebFOCUS

This article details how to build an External Report in Metric Insights that is linked to a Report on your Tibco WebFOCUS server.


Established connectivity to TIBCO WebFOCUS.

1. Create a New External Report

Access New >External Report > Tibco WebFocus

  1. Name: Provide a descriptive name for the External Report
  2. Category: Specify the Category where your External Report will be placed
  3. Image: Define whether you want the Report image to be updated manually or automatically
  4. Report Image Trigger: Choose the Trigger from the drop-down list
  5. Plugin Connection Profile: Select the Data Source created for Tibco WebFOCUS Plugin
  6. Reporting object: Select a Tibco WebFOCUS Object from the corresponding connection profile
  7. [Next: Define Details]

2. Complete Configuration Tab

  1. Show Report in: Choose where to show the Report
    • External Webpage: The Report is shown on the webpage of the plugin
    • Viewer: The Report is shown in the Viewer
    • Note: Select Show to display a dynamic live connection of the report "In iframe" or "As static image"
  2. [Save And Collect Image] to generate the Tile Preview image
  3. [Enable & Publish]

3. Verify Display in Viewer

[View] to display the image

What's Next?

You may want to Create External Report Template to set the Auto Synchronization.