Create Dataset from Amazon S3

This article details how to create a Dataset populated with data sourced from Amazon S3.  


1. Access New > Dataset > Create New

  1. Measured: select the Measurement Interval that applies to your element
  2. Collecting: is disabled by default and is enabled once you enable the Dataset
  3. Category: specify the Category where your Dataset will be placed
  4. Move to the Data tab to define the details of data collection

2. Define the Settings for Data Collection

  1. Data Source: select the connection profile you have created for Amazon S3
  2. Data collection trigger: specify the Trigger to be used to update the Dataset
  3. Report: select an Amazon S3 object to serve as a basis of your Dataset
  4. In the Plugin Command, enter an MIQL Plugin Command that lists all data to be fetched from Amazon S3
  5. [✓ Validate]  

3. Review and Enable

  1. If the command is validated successfully, the Dataset columns and Validation Rows Preview are displayed below
  2. At the upper right corner of the screen, click [Enable & View]

The Dataset Viewer is presented.

4. Dataset Viewer

To view the options available to complete the definition of this new Dataset, see Access, Create, and modify Dataset Views