Create New Plugin Data Source

Data that is not fetched using a JDBC driver is collected using a Plugin. Plugins are special components, built by Metric Insights, that send a native fetch command to a data source.  It then formats the results in a way that allows Metric Insights to consume the data.  A list of supported Plugins can be found here.  It is also possible to access data from a custom web service by using HTTP Plugin.

Information about how to create a new SQL Data Source is available here.

For a description of Metric Insights overall approach to Data Sources, click here.

This article describes the general process for creating a Plugin Data Source using Tableau as an example. Required and Optional parameters can vary depending on a Plugin, but the procedure is essentially the same.

Video Tutorial [Tableau Example]

1. Add New Data Source

Access Admin > Collection & Storage > Data Sources

Click [+New Data Source]

2. Choose Plugin Type

  1. Under Plugin, select a required data service from the drop-down list of configured Plugins.
    • NOTE: If you do not find the one you need, contact your system Administrator or [email protected].
  2. [Next]

3. Provide Unique Name

  1. Provide a descriptive phrase for Data Source Name
  2. [Create]

4. Complete Required Settings

  1. Select the required Auth Type, if a given Plugin supports multiple types
    • For Password, use the Tableau credentials as shown on the screen
    • For Identity Profile, select the existing Identity Profile in the Identity Profile field that will appear instead of Username and Plugin Password
  2. Specify the URL to the Tableau Server 
  3. Provide the Tableau Site ID
  4. Enter Username and Plugin Password that you use to log in to the Tableau server (this must be a Local account)

5. Complete Optional Parameters

NOTE: Not all of the Plugin connection profiles include Optional Parameters.

Use the Edit icon to enter/modify the parameter and save.

6. Define Advanced Settings

NOTE: Advanced Configuration settings can be set to default values unless Data Source requires more precise tuning. For more details on how to proceed, refer to Advanced Data Source Configuration.

  1. Use Remote Data Processor: Defaults to "no"; If required for a given Plugin, set to "yes"
    • If "yes", click the [+ New Remote Processor] button in the Remote Processors section below.
    • Refer to this article for more details on Data Processor Configuration
  2. Generate Object List: Choose one option:
    • "automatically": All Reports are fetched by the system.
    • "dataset": Select a dataset to source Objects list. It must contain 'id', parent_id, 'name', 'level' columns. The following columns are optional: 'external_guid', 'capabilities', 'is_default_ind', 'last_data_refreshed', 'supports_filters', 'index', 'last_modified'.
  3. Object List Refresh Trigger: Select a Trigger that will be used to fetch data via the Plugin.