Create Dimension with Values Automatically Fetched from MicroStrategy

If your MicroStrategy report contains information for several Dimensions, you do not need to create a separate element for each Dimension Value in Metric Insights. All you need to do is just copy MicroStrategy "filter values" into MI. This article covers step-by-step instructions on fetching this data from MicroStrategy.

NOTE: If a new filter value is added to this MicroStrategy report later, it will be automatically copied to MI upon triggered data collection.

Use Case

1. Open the MicroStrategy Plugin to be used as a Data Source for the new Dimension

  1. Go to Admin > Data Sources. The list with all data sources created in the system opens.
  2. Select the plugin you plan to use as a Data Source for this Dimension. Alternatively, crate a new one: Establish Connectivity to MicroStrategy 
  3. Reports can be added or refreshed in the Plugin Editor.

1.1. Update the list of MicroStrategy Reports to ensure you have most current report data

There are two options to add reports to the plugin:

  • Automatically: If the External Reports fetch method field is set to 'automatically', go to the MicroStrategy Reports List tab and simply click Refresh to collect all MicroStrategy reports currently available at the server
  • Manually: You can also update the MicroStrategy Reports List by adding report IDs and Names one-by-one or via a CSV file

2. Add a new Dimension

  1. Go to Content > Dimensions. The list page containing with all existing Dimensions in the system opens.
  2. Click [+ New Dimension]

2.1. Define the Basics

Provide the basic Dimension definition information, including

  1. A unique Name for your Dimension
  2. Value Source: Specify how Dimension Values will be collected for the new Dimension. In this example, we are selecting "MicroStrategy'"plugin from previous steps which is going to serve as a data source
  3. Report: Define the MicroStrategy report that contains the required values in the Select Report pop up. In our example, we need to fetch Division Values, so we have selected a "Category Sales Report" item since it contains the required information.

Save your entries. The Dimension Editor opens.

2.2. Enter the command for fetching data

1.   Enter the command manually


2.   Use the Visual Editor and choose the required fields

2.3. Check Data and Collect Values

2.4. Result

What would you like to do next?

You can now use this Dimension to create dimensioned elements from MicroStrategy.